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January 14, 2021

Call for Members: CCAC Animal Use Data Consultative Working Group

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is setting up a new, consultative working group to examine the obstacles and opportunities presented by the implementation of the CCAC Animal Data Working Group’s recommendations for animal data collection and reporting.

In keeping with our inclusive nomination process, we would like to open this opportunity to all stakeholders to recommend suitably qualified candidates. Specifically, we are looking for individuals who have expertise in animal use data collection and submission, and who represent the variety of institutions certified by the CCAC.

Consult the terms of reference for this consultative working group for more information.

All members will be appointed to serve up to two years and should be committed to ensuring a full examination and discussion of the challenges facing institutions in the implementation of the CCAC Animal Data Working Group’s recommendations. Working group discussions will be conducted mostly via email and videoconference, and members may be asked to contribute to the preparation of materials to support the implementation of the recommendations.

Members will be selected by the CCAC Governance and Nominations Committee and the CCAC Board of Directors, who will ensure that the collective expertise of the working group covers the range of institutions likely to be impacted by the proposed changes. Candidates not selected to sit on this working group may be invited to act as reviewers of draft materials produced by the group.

We would be grateful if you could please forward the names, brief biographies, statements of interest, and contact information of suitable candidates to the CCAC Secretariat at by February 12, 2021. Self-nominations are also welcome.

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