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May 4, 2021

Updated Frequently Asked Questions on Mice

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) has updated its CCAC frequently asked questions: Mice in response to queries from its stakeholders. An entry has been added to clarify the use of shelf-like structures in mouse cages in relation to the minimum requirements for floor space.

The new entry clarifies that shelf-like structures may be used to provide additional space, but only where a deficit in floor space is small. The structure must be an appropriate size for the cage and should provide opportunities for mice to carry out important behaviours. When a shelf-like structure is added, the behaviour of the animals must be monitored to ensure that its addition is beneficial. Individuals caring for animals housed in cages that include shelf-like structures are encouraged to share their practical experience with the CCAC and other users.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to . Thank you for your ongoing collaboration in ensuring high standards for the ethical care and use of animals at your institution.

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