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September 16, 2021

The CCAC Welcomes Its Newest Member Organization

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The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is very pleased to welcome the National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council (NFAHWC), who joins the CCAC as its 23rd member organization. Ms. Colleen McElwain, Programs Director at the Canadian Animal Health Institute, will serve as the NFAHWC’s first member organization representative to the CCAC.

The NFAHWC is a not-for-profit organization that brings together industry, federal, provincial, and territorial partners to provide collaborative guidance on a cohesive, functional, and responsive farmed animal health and welfare system in Canada. It engages expertise to address important topics such as animal welfare, emerging diseases, animal health surveillance, antimicrobial use and resistance, and the emerging theme of “one welfare.” The Council and its divisions lead the initiation of projects to address animal health and welfare stakeholder needs in Canada.

The CCAC now has 23 member organizations and 2 funders, drawn from both the scientific and animal welfare communities. The diverse composition of these organizations reflects a wide range of interests, concerns, and objectives regarding animal-based science in Canada. CCAC membership provides organizations with an opportunity to collaborate and contribute to the development of high standards for the ethical care and use of animals in Canadian science and oversee the implementation of these standards.

The CCAC looks forward to working with the NFAHWC and adding its unique perspective to the strategic planning process. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our member organizations and funders for their continued support, which is integral to furthering our mandate and meeting our strategic goals.

If your organization is interested in joining the CCAC membership, please visit our website to learn more about the process.

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