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October 27, 2021

Explore the CCAC Animal Data Report 2020

Consult the CCAC Animal Data report 2020

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) has released the CCAC Animal Data Report 2020, which provides a national overview of animal-based science in CCAC–certified institutions from January 1 to December 31, 2020. The numbers in this report comprise all animal use within CCAC-certified institutions in 2020.

The CCAC is also collecting information from certified institutions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on animal care and use programs, the results of which will be released in a separate report. The CCAC thanks all those responsible for compiling and submitting their institutional data.

Quick Facts From 2020

  • 5,067,778 animals in research, teaching, and testing were reported to the CCAC.
  • The three animal types most often used were birds (50.0%), mice (21.4%), and fish (11.7%).
  • The largest proportion of animals (55.7%) were used in studies for the development of products or appliances for human or veterinary medicine or Purpose of Animal Use (PAU) 4, representing 2,898,232 animals.

For more quick facts, consult the CCAC Facts & Figures, which provides a visual overview of the number of animals used in Canadian science for the purposes of research, teaching, and testing, as well as general information about the CCAC and the Canadian system of oversight.

It is important to note that there are many external factors that may influence the numbers of animals from year to year. Caution should be used when comparing numbers of animals over time or when tracking progress towards the Three Rs.

Upcoming Changes to Animal Data Collection and Reporting

The CCAC has been working on a new process for animal use data collection and reporting, aimed at improving public accountability for Canadian animal-based science.

As it is important to fully understand the challenges faced by institutions in implementing the proposed changes and recommendations, a consultative working group was established to examine impacts related to the implementation of changes to the CCAC’s animal data collection and reporting processes. The new working group will bring together knowledgeable individuals from institutions where concerns have been expressed, and from institutions ready to collect data according to the new requirements, to articulate the practical barriers and identify potential solutions.

Should you have any questions concerning the CCAC Animal Data Report 2020, .

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