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The CCAC is Seeking Nominations for Its Board of Directors
The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is seeking new members for its Board of Directors to increase the scope of its expertise and help steer the organization in accordance with the CCAC's mandate.
Created in 1968, the CCAC is an independent non-profit organization, acting in the interests of the Canadian people. It is the national peer-review organization responsible for setting, maintaining, and overseeing the implementation of high standards for the ethical care and use of animal in science throughout Canada. The CCAC's mission is to ensure that animal-based science in Canada takes place only when necessary, and that animals used in studies receive optimal care according to high quality, research-informed standards.
The role of the board is to provide responsible leadership for the organization, and guidance on its overall direction. Candidates should be highly qualified individuals that possess expertise in areas such as veterinary medicine, research science, bioethics, or law, in addition to possessing financial acumen. Experience in knowledge translation, communications, human resources, or corporate evaluation is also essential.
The CCAC is seeking representation from the animal welfare community, different sectors of the animal care system (public, private, and academic), different demographic and regional areas, and a diverse cross-section of member organizations.
The board should ideally possess a balance of skills and competencies that include:
- scientific knowledge;
- veterinary knowledge;
- financial knowledge;
- legal knowledge;
- human resources experience;
- knowledge translation and communications expertise;
- corporate evaluation expertise; and
- expertise in social economy.
Applicants are invited to consult the Guidelines for Nominating Candidates for the CCAC Board of Directors for more information. Nominations should be forwarded to by April 15, 2022.
Successful applicants are expected to complete a three-year term, and attend three two-day, in-person meetings, and four or five two-hour videoconferences per year (currently replaced by two-hour videoconferences every six weeks as a result of COVID-19).
The CCAC strongly believes in equity, diversity, and inclusion, and encourages applications from diverse groups of society, with the skills and knowledge to advance its mandate. Candidates not selected to sit on the board may be invited to contribute to other CCAC activities.