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Contribute to the Review of the CCAC’s Experimental Procedures (Part B) Guidelines
The CCAC guidelines: Experimental procedures (Part B – Analgesia, anesthesia, and surgery) is now available for public review. This document was carefully developed by a subcommittee of volunteer experts based on their interpretation of current scientific evidence, and has undergone an initial, limited review. It establishes general guidelines pertinent for all species to help facilitate improvements in both the care given to animals, and how experimental procedures involving analgesia, anesthesia, and surgery are carried out.
Help advance high standards for the ethical care and use of animals in Canadian science by providing your insight and input on this guidelines document. We also encourage you to invite others to participate in this review, or to collaboratively review the document with your colleagues. Please note that the draft document you receive will likely undergo significant changes prior to final approval and publication.
Review the draft document here. Please provide your comments by June 3, 2022.