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Register for the CCAC Panel Discussion on Openness in Science
Let’s Talk About Science:
Transparency in Animal-Based Science in Canada
On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. EST, join the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) for a virtual panel discussion on openness and transparency in Canadian animal-based science.
The world has seen a growing call to action by the public and scientific community over the past several years to speak more openly about animal-based programs and increase transparency within institutions and practices. As a result, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and a number of countries within the European Union have begun to embrace openness and transparency, and create proactive communication strategies around animal-based science.
In Canada, the Office of the Chief Science Advisor released a Roadmap for Open Science in February 2020 that outlines a set of overarching principles and recommendations to make federal science open and available to all Canadians, including the development of departmental open science action plans. The CCAC itself recently approved recommendations from the Transparency and Confidentiality Task Force that seek to improve the level of transparency within our processes, messaging, and interactions with certified institutions, stakeholders, and the Canadian public.
The CCAC recognizes that animal-based science can be a controversial topic. However, openness and transparency have been shown to promote constructive discussions and collaboration, as well as improve institutional reputation and public trust.
Join us on November 8, 2022, 1:00–2:30 p.m. EST, for an engaging discussion on the future of transparency and openness in Canadian animal-based science and hear from panelists currently tackling this challenging issue within Canadian institutions.
Please note that a French panel discussion will be held on Thursday, November 3, 2022.