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January 14, 2025

Call for Members: Public Affairs and Communications Committee

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is looking for two volunteers with experience or knowledge of communications, public affairs, media relations, or marketing for its Public Affairs and Communications Committee.

Tasked with enhancing the quality of the CCAC’s communications, outreach, and visibility initiatives, and positioning the CCAC as the national organization responsible for ensuring high standards of ethical animal care and use in Canadian science, the committee focuses its efforts on:

  • recommending initiatives that will increase awareness of the CCAC, its mission, and its ongoing impact
  • providing advice on communications matters, including planning, social media, stakeholder engagement, government relations, and transparency
  • providing advice on the effectiveness of communications materials and channels to the CCAC’s target audiences
  • gathering information on various stakeholders to help the Secretariat and the CCAC Board of Directors stay abreast of important trends or developments

Consult the terms of reference for more information.

Members will be approved by the CCAC Board of Directors and be appointed to serve an initial term of three years. Appointees are eligible for reappointment by the board but may not serve more than six consecutive years, except in the case of extenuating circumstances. Please note that all committee work is conducted in English.

Committee discussions will be conducted mostly via email and videoconference, with the exception of one in-person meeting annually, conditions permitting. Exceptionally, members may also be asked to contribute to the preparation of materials to support the CCAC.

We would be grateful if you could please forward the names, brief biographies, CVs, and contact information of suitable candidates to the CCAC Secretariat at by February 14, 2025. Self-nominations are also welcome.

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