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Recognition Awards

Nomination Information



In recognition of the many important contributions made within its community, the CCAC has created three awards to honour the involvement of its contributors and give thanks for their time and expertise:

  • Harry C. Rowsell Lifetime Achievement Award
    This award recognizes outstanding individuals who have made a lifetime of exceptional contributions to the CCAC and who uphold the highest standards in the ethical care and use of animals in Canadian science.
  • Gilles Demers Award for Excellence in Animal Care
    This award, named for the late Dr. Gilles Demers, a long-time Assessment Director at the CCAC, recognizes outstanding individuals who have made exceptional contributions to institutional animal care and use programs, who uphold high ethical standards and practices, and actively champion the CCAC program within their organization. Nominees can include animal health technicians, animal care committee coordinators, community representatives, facility coordinators, and veterinary assistants.
  • CCAC Emerging Leader Award
    This award recognizes individuals with less than 10 years of experience in the field of ethical animal care and use, who have demonstrated exceptional growth in their levels of leadership, responsibility, sphere of impact, and contribution to both the ethical care and use of animals in science and to the CCAC.

Nominations are accepted in both French and English. Each nomination package must include a completed award-specific nomination form and no more than five (5) pages responding to the particular award’s nomination questions. No cover letters or additional materials will be accepted as part of the nomination package or included in the evaluation of the nominee. All responses must be typed, in an 11-point font, and in PDF format. Please send completed nomination packages to the CCAC at (nominations will be accepted by email only). Only one winner will be chosen from each category.

The CCAC values diversity in experience, background, knowledge, cultures, and skills. We therefore encourage award nominations for all members of our community that meet the above criteria.


All materials must be received by email by March 1, 2025, 11:59pm (EST). All responses must be typed and in PDF format. Please send completed nomination packages to (nominations will be accepted by email only).

  • Deadline to submit nominations: March 1, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. (EST)
  • Notification to winner: March 28, 2025
  • Notification to all nominees and nominators: March 31, 2025
  • Presentation of award at the Spring CCAC National Workshop

For every award category, the CCAC will review each nomination package to determine whether it contains a completed nomination form and responses to the five nomination questions. All eligible nomination packages will then be forwarded to the Award Selection Task Force, which is comprised of the chair and vice-chair of the board, a representative from the Secretariat, and one member each from the Standards, Assessment and Certification, and Public Affairs and Communications committees.

This task force is responsible for reviewing the candidates submitted for award consideration and recommending a winner from each award category to the board. One winner will be chosen from each category. Submissions will be evaluated according to an established evaluation rubric based on the nominator’s responses to the five nomination questions. Once the board has approved the nominees, the winners and the nominators will be notified by the Secretariat; all other nominees and nominators will be contacted shortly thereafter.


The winner of each award will be announced through the CCAC’s digital media channels, and they will attend the presentation of the award at the CCAC National Workshop (in‑person or online), where they will be expected to say a few words (2-5 minutes). When the event is held in person, it will be photographed and photos from the event will be used in materials such as the CCAC annual report, communiqués to CCAC stakeholders, CCAC social media channels, and on the CCAC website.

The CCAC’s Recognition Awards consist of a personalized engraved gift.

When the workshop is held in person, the winners' accommodations and travel will be paid for by the CCAC. This includes a one-night hotel stay, a one-day per diem, and a round-trip flight or train fare. Should the winners wish to extend their stay, all additional expenses will be borne by the winners.

The same will be offered to those award recipients from the previous year when the national workshop is held virtually.