Animals Used in Science
Animal Use Data
Annual Animal Use Data Reports
It is important to note that the CCAC only collects animal use data from CCAC-certified institutions. As such, some animals studied in Canadian science will not be accounted for in the CCAC’s annual animal use data report. Further, these numbers reflect all animals that were involved in research, teaching, and testing conducted by people working at CCAC-certified institutions, regardless of where the research activities take place – in or outside of Canada, in laboratories, on farms, or in the wild.
There are many external factors that may influence the numbers of animals used from year-to-year and caution should be employed when comparing the numbers of animals over time or when tracking progress towards the Three Rs. Factors that may affect animal numbers include: changes in government funding priorities, regulatory changes, development and implementation of new technologies, changes in scientific interests, numbers and types of institutions certified by the CCAC.
The information gathered for this report relies on the process described in the Instructions for Completion of the CCAC Animal Use Data Form (AUDF). Although extensive validation of the data sets was carried out, errors may have occurred at any stage in the process.
The CCAC extends its sincere thanks to all those responsible for submitting their animal use data. Without the work and dedication of animal care committee members, researchers, and teachers, these annual comprehensive reports would not be possible.
The CCAC Animal Data Report 2023 provides insights into animal-based science in CCAC-certified institutions from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The CCAC also provides downloadable and sortable Excel files containing a further breakdown of the numbers of animals used in science (Excel File 1), and both the purpose and invasiveness of the procedures undertaken (Excel File 2), allowing anyone to search and filter the data according to their particular area of interest.
We thank all those institutions and individuals responsible for compiling and submitting their institutional data each year.
The CCAC Animal Data Report 2022 provides insights into animal-based science in CCAC-certified institutions from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. The CCAC also provides downloadable and sortable Excel files containing a further breakdown of the numbers of animals used in science (Excel File 1), and both the purpose and invasiveness of the procedures undertaken (Excel File 2), allowing anyone to search and filter the data according to their particular area of interest.
We thank all those institutions and individuals responsible for compiling and submitting their institutional data each year.
The CCAC Animal Data Report 2021 provides insights into animal-based science in CCAC-certified institutions from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The CCAC also provides downloadable and sortable Excel files containing a further breakdown of the numbers of animals used in science (Excel File 1), and both the purpose and invasiveness of the procedures undertaken (Excel File 2), allowing anyone to search and filter the data according to their particular area of interest.
We thank all those institutions and individuals responsible for compiling and submitting their institutional data each year.
The CCAC Animal Use Data Report 2020 provides insights into animal-based science in CCAC-certified institutions from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The CCAC also provides downloadable and sortable Excel files containing a further breakdown of the numbers of animals used in science (Excel File 1), and both the purpose and invasiveness of the procedures undertaken (Excel File 2), allowing anyone to search and filter the data according to their particular area of interest.
We thank all those institutions and individuals responsible for compiling and submitting their institutional data each year.
The CCAC Animal Use Data Report 2019 provides insights into animal-based science in CCAC-certified institutions from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. The CCAC also provides downloadable and sortable Excel files containing a further breakdown of the numbers of animals used in science (Excel File 1), and both the purpose and invasiveness of the procedures undertaken (Excel File 2), allowing anyone to search and filter the data according to their particular area of interest.
We thank all those institutions and individuals responsible for compiling and submitting their institutional data each year.