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Animals Used in Science

Animal Use Data

Reporting Instructions and Forms

CCAC-certified institutions are required to report their annual animal use data to the CCAC every year and provide specific information regarding the number of animals used, the types of projects they were involved in, and the invasiveness of the procedures undertaken.

Institutions are asked to send their annual (January 1 to December 31) data electronically before March 31 of the following year. The Excel Animal Use Data Form (AUDF) template, created to assist with the standardization of data collection and analysis, should be forwarded to: .

Between now and 2030, institutions must continue to categorize their protocols using the current CCAC’s categories of invasiveness in animal experiments and submit their annual animal use data to the CCAC using categories of invasiveness and not the categories of welfare impact.

Useful Resources for Completing the AUDF

Consult the following resources when completing the AUDF for your institution:

  • Instructions: Understand each element to be completed on the AUDF and refer to useful examples and answers to some frequently asked questions.
  • Webinar: Watch this recording to access useful tips and information on how to submit your institutional animal data.
  • Q&As: Consult the questions submitted by webinar participants and access the official responses from the CCAC.
  • Categories of invasiveness in animal experiments

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at .