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Animals Used in Science

Canadian Legislation and Policies

Provincial Information

All Canadian provinces have legislation on animal welfare through animal protection acts and regulations. Many of them mention animals used for scientific purposes in their animal protection legislation, with six provinces currently referring directly to CCAC standards. Ontario is unique in having an Act specific to research animals, the Animals for Research Act, which enables an inspectorate to control the registration of research facilities and the issuance of licences for supply facilities.



Alberta’s Animal Protection Regulation of the Animal Protection Act states that "A person who owns or has custody, care or control of an animal for research activities must comply with the following Canadian Council on Animal Care documents", and lists the CCAC standards and policies that were published at the time the regulations were made (2005).


Funding Policies

The Michael Smith Health Research BC’s Research Trainee Program (MSFHR) supports health researchers. Their research trainee program guidelines state that supervisors require compliance with "ethical and research policies outlined by the host institution and the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research", and specifically includes Canadian Council on Animal Care policies and guidelines.



Manitoba's Animal Care Act lists "research and teaching involving animals" among accepted activities, providing they are "consistent with a standard or code of conduct, criteria, practice or procedure specified as acceptable in the regulations". The Animal Care Regulation cites policies and guidelines published by the CCAC, as revised from time to time, as the acceptable standard for "animals raised for the purpose of, or used in, research and teaching activities".

Newfoundland and Labrador


The Newfoundland and Labrador Animal Protection Standards Regulations under the Animal Health and Protection Act states that "A corporation, partnership, or association of persons which is responsible for research, teaching or testing involving animals or which has custody, care or control of an animal for research, teaching or testing shall comply with the requirements in the codes and standards published by the Canadian Council on Animal Care that are adopted under subsection (1)".

Funding Policies

The Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research (NLCAHR) supports applied health research in the province. Although NLCAHR does not directly mention the CCAC in its policies, the centre is located within Memorial University, which is a participant in the CCAC's programs.

Nova Scotia


The Nova Scotia Animal Protection Act states that "Where an inspector is of the opinion that an offence pursuant to this Act is being committed with regard to research animals, the inspector shall (a) consult or be accompanied by the chair of the animal care committee associated with that research; or (b) consult with standards setting agencies prescribed by the regulations or, where the facility in which the research animals are kept is part of the Canadian Council on Animal Care audit program, the Canadian Council on Animal Care". The Act further states that "no action may be taken against a person under this Act if the person complies with Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines".



Ontario is unique in having an Act specific to research animals, the Animals for Research Act, which enables an inspectorate to control the registration of research facilities and the issuance of licenses for supply facilities.

Prince Edward Island


Prince Edward Island's Animal Protection Regulations under the Animal Welfare Act cite the CCAC for standards of care "with respect to the use of animals for the purposes of medical or scientific research".



According to the Regulation respecting the safety and welfare of cats and dogs, with its enabling legislation, the Animal Health Protection Act and the Animal Welfare and Safety Act, operators are exempt from the requirements of the Act if they hold a CCAC Certificate of GAP – Good Animal Practice®.

Funding Policies

Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) notes in its Politique d’éthique en recherche (section III) [available in French only], that all research project involving animals require the approval of the animal care committee of the principal applicant's institution, which must comply with the standards and guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC). The institution where research involving animals is carried out must be certified by the CCAC.