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Animals Used in Science


Transparency Plan

For decades, the CCAC has published aggregated annual information on:

  • the number and types of assessment visits it conducted
  • the number of preliminary, probationary, and regular certificates held by its certified institutions
  • institutional animal use data
  • the names of most certified institutions (voluntary)

After much consideration and consultation, the CCAC created a three-phase plan that will make additional information publicly available, while encouraging certified institutions to become more open and transparent regarding their animal-based scientific activities. Most of the information to be released by the CCAC during the three phases will be annual, aggregated national data, with the exception of the last assessment date and the certificate status for each certified institution.

The CCAC will publish the following information, in three distinct phases:

Threes Phases of Transparency Plan

While the CCAC fully supports open communication regarding animal-based science, disclosing any other non-aggregated, institution-specific information is at the discretion of each certified institution. The CCAC encourages Canadian institutions to create more transparency within their own organizations and collaborate to develop a formal national transparency agreement, similar to those seen in many other research-intensive countries.