Animals Used in Science
Understanding Animal Use
In Canada and around the world, animals are used for scientific purposes, be it for research, teaching, or testing. Though most Canadians agree that the welfare and ethical use of these animals is an important issue to address, there is a lack of knowledge and awareness regarding animal-based science.
For example, some people may not know that in CCAC-certified institutions, animal-based science is only acceptable if it promises to contribute to the understanding of fundamental biological principles, or to the development of knowledge that can reasonably be expected to benefit humans, animals, or the environment.
As the national organization responsible for overseeing the ethical care and use of animals in science, the CCAC is dedicated to helping Canadians develop a clearer picture of animal use in Canadian science.
To learn more on this important issue, explore the how, who, what, where, when, and why of animal-based science in CCAC-certified institutions.