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How to Participate

The CCAC strives to enroll all Canadian institutions with animal-based science programs. The certification process is streamlined for efficiency and accessibility, especially for first-time institutions, without compromise on quality and integrity.

Institutions wishing to obtain a first certificate require the following elements before their first regular CCAC assessment visit:

  • compliance with CCAC policy on: terms of reference for animal care committees particularly in the following areas:
    • the creation of an animal care committee;
    • an animal protocol form (or forms); and
    • complete protocols submitted by researchers and teachers for all planned animal-based work, with the animal care committee having reviewed and made decisions on any protocols planned for the near future;
  • a formal agreement or agreements for veterinary services; and
  • trained, qualified personnel in sufficient numbers to care for all groups of animals seven days a week.

More information can be found in the Helping Canadian Institutions Join the CCAC Program. However, should you require any assistance with the certification process, or for any other question, our team at the is here to help.