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Animaux utilisés en science



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Brunt M.W. et Chatigny F. (2022) Talking things out: How institutional transparency could improve animal research. The Conversation.

Brunt M.W., Kreiberg H. et von Keyserlingk M.A.G. (2022) Invertebrate research without ethical or regulatory oversight reduces public confidence and trust. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9, Article number: 250.

Brunt M.W. et Weary D.M. (2021) Public consultation in the evaluation of animal research protocols. PLoS ONE 16(12):e0260114.

Brunt M.W. et Weary D.M. (2021) Perceptions of laboratory animal facility managers regarding institutional transparency. PLoS ONE 16(7):e0254279.

Brunt M.W. et Weary D.M. (2023) Perceptions of laboratory animal veterinarians regarding institutional transparency. Animal Welfare 32(e32):1-8.

McLeod C. et Hobson-West P. (2016) Opening up animal research and science–society relations? A thematic analysis of transparency discourses in the United Kingdom. Public Understanding of Science 25(7):791-806.

Mills K.E., Han Z., Robbins J.A. et Weary D.M. (2018) Institutional transparency improves public perception of lab animal technicians and support for animal research. PLoS ONE 13(2):e0193262.

Robbins J.A., Franks B., Weary D.M. et von Keyserlingk M.A.G. (2016) Awareness of ag-gag laws erodes trust in farmers and increases support for animal welfare regulations. Food Policy 61:121-125.