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September 5, 2024

The CCAC Launches Transparency Initiative

Transparency and clear communication about ethical animal research, teaching, and testing are vital to improving animal welfare and achieving better public understanding and trust. The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is pleased to launch its transparency initiative that will make more information about Canadian animal-based science publicly available, while encouraging certified institutions to become more open and transparent regarding their animal-based scientific activities.

The three-phased initiative will be implemented over several years, beginning today with the publication of the names of all CCAC-certified institutions and the creation of a transparency section on our website. The other two phases of the initiative will be rolled out in 2025 and 2028.

Phases of the Transparency Initiative

Institutional Transparency

The CCAC has included an overarching, voluntary phase to support certified institutions in increasing their institutional transparency, engaging the public and other institutions regarding animal-based scientific activities, and inspiring openness among other organizations by promoting best practices in processes, activities, and Three Rs implementation. The CCAC also encourages Canadian institutions and associations to collaborate in developing a formal national transparency agreement, similar to those seen in many other research-intensive countries where animal welfare is prioritized.

For more information on the CCAC transparency initiative, please visit our website. For any questions not addressed on the CCAC website, .

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